Luis Gonzalez
Luis has over 25 years’ experience leading business and technical organizations in the delivery of complex, secure solutions in the financial services and telecommunications industries. Prior to Aspen, Luis was Chief Commercial Officer for GCREC/Wireless Services, a leading real estate consulting firm and systems integrator specializing in cellular deployments and Distributed Antenna Systems in stadiums, airports and large venues throughout the United States. In this role, Luis led all customer facing business and technology reports as well as overseeing relationships with venues, OEM partners and carriers.
His primary focus has been in working with carriers and the carrier consortium in reconciling the technical and business expectations of venue operators with the constantly changing and capital-intensive needs of carriers in the new, dense 5G world that they operate in. Luis has been fortunate to lead and be a part of teams that captured key airport and stadium projects for Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile and Sprint as well as researching and innovating solutions to improve the fan experience in and around large, dynamic outdoor events such as music festivals and professional golf tournaments.
We formed Aspen Venue Partners in an effort to simplify the relationship between carriers and venues. Our hope is that by working closely with all parties to identify common goals and objectives over the long-term, we can develop systems and partnerships that meet the needs of the venue, their tenants and fans as well as the carriers that serve them all.